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  • 09:41, 24 August 2024Spatial adaptive dynamics (hist | edit) ‎[22,150 bytes]Hauert (talk | contribs) (Created page with "In the following, we assume that the total population size is constant, and that spatially structured populations are represented by lattices in which each site is occupied by one individual. Each individual interacts with a limited number of local neighbours, and we assume this number, \(k\), to be the same for all individuals. We first consider a case where there are two types of players in the structured population: a mutant type with trait value \(y\), and a resident...")
  • 10:25, 21 August 2024Spatial social dilemmas promote diversity (hist | edit) ‎[40,034 bytes]Hauert (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{InCharge|author1=Christoph Hauert}} Cooperative investments in social dilemmas can spontaneously diversify into stably co-existing high and low contributors in well-mixed populations. Here we extend the analysis to emerging diversity in (spatially) structured populations. Using pair approximation we derive analytical expressions for the invasion fitness of rare mutants in structured populations, which then yields a spatial adaptive dynamics framework. This allows us t...")
  • 22:11, 9 August 2024EvoLudoLab: Mutualisms - Bursts of defection (hist | edit) ‎[1,083 bytes]Hauert (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{EvoLudoLab:Mutualism| options="--module Mut --geometry n --inittype frequency 8,2:8,2 --payhost 0,1;-0.0006,0.9994 --paymutualist 0,1;-0.0006,0.9994 --playerupdate thermal 0.1 --accuscores --references random 1 --popsize 240x --popupdate async --timestep 2 --run --size 980,620"| title=Inter-species donation game on lattices| doc=In the asymmetric phase large \(CD\) or \(DC\) domains exist. Along their boundaries isolated \(CC\) and \(DD\) clusters are continuously gene...")
  • 21:55, 9 August 2024EvoLudoLab: Mutualisms - Asymmetric cooperation (hist | edit) ‎[1,379 bytes]Hauert (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{EvoLudoLab:Mutualism| options="--module Mut --geometry n --inittype frequency 1,1:2,8 --payhost 0,1;-0.0015,0.9985 --paymutualist 0,1;-0.0015,0.9985 --playerupdate thermal 0.1 --accuscores --references random 1 --popsize 100x --popupdate async --timestep 2 --run --size 820,620"| title=Inter-species donation game on lattices| doc=Lowering the cost-to-benefit ratio results in spontaneous symmetry breaking of cooperation in the two layers. The distribution of cooperators...")
  • 21:44, 9 August 2024EvoLudoLab: Mutualisms - Symmetry, uncorrelated (hist | edit) ‎[771 bytes]Hauert (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{EvoLudoLab:Mutualism| options="--module Mut --geometry n --inittype frequency 1,1:2,8 --payhost 0,1;-0.005,0.995 --paymutualist 0,1;-0.005,0.995 --playerupdate thermal 0.1 --accuscores --references random 1 --popsize 100x --popupdate async --timestep 2 --run --size 820,620"| title=Inter-species donation game on lattices| doc=The cooperator frequencies in both populations are essentially identical. The correlation of cooperation between lattices, which was crucial for t...")
  • 16:18, 9 August 2024EvoLudoLab: Mutualisms - Symmetry, random walk (hist | edit) ‎[1,059 bytes]Hauert (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{EvoLudoLab:Mutualism| options="--module Mut --geometry n --inittype frequency 1,1:2,8 --payhost 0,1;-0.0225,0.9775 --paymutualist 0,1;-0.0225,0.9775 --playerupdate thermal 0.1 --accuscores --references random 1 --popsize 100x --popupdate async --reportfreq 2 --run"| title=Evolutionary dynamics on the superstar graph| doc=Small, isolated clusters of cooperators, <span style="color:blue">\(\blacksquare\)</span>, form in a sea of defectors, <span style="color:red">\(\blac...")
  • 09:30, 5 August 2024Mutualisms: cooperation between species (hist | edit) ‎[32,563 bytes]Hauert (talk | contribs) (outline // via Wikitext Extension for VSCode)